I had a reading from Terri on 20 April 2023 and came away from it feeling more at ease, less anxious and reassured that my son, Sean is with me and alive and well on the other side along with my daughter-in-law, Lucy.

Terri provided evidence of what she was being shown about my youngest son’s occupation saying Sean wanted his brother to know he was looking over him.

She was able to precisely describe a ring I had given to my daughter-in-law when she married Sean. She told me that Sean and Lucy were showing her a photo of just their hands wearing their wedding rings, a photo which I have. She said they both wanted to reassure me they were fine and didn’t want me to worry about them. She also told me I had several other rings that had been passed down to me which was true.

Lucy was a veterinary nurse and loved and took such good care of sick animals. Terri said she felt some sickness and asked me if I had been feeling nauseas that day and had been sick. I laughed as I panicked before my reading that I was going to be late for it as my little dog Molly had been sick and I needed to clear it up before I arrived. Terri relayed that that was Lucy’s connection with sick animals coming through.

In between these and other pieces of evidence, Terri continued to pass on messages of love and reassurance which were emotional but lovely.

She also sensed that my oldest son suffered from tension headaches and was struggling sometimes with his grief – again this is true. She said that it was Sean’s way of letting her know he was watching over his other brother too and also his child. Terri identified a child going “tap, tap, tap” as a way to communicate so I can relate to that as my grandson has autism and does not speak.

Sean gave Terri some childhood memories which I could confirm. He made her laugh out loud. He was showing her his ‘guns’ (muscles) which he always did for a laugh.

Terri provided my reading with love and from the heart. It provided comfort and reassurance for our family and for that I am very thankful.

Janey x

Inverness Medium Highlands